Thursday, August 25, 2011

PBP Update

Sorry to have been out of touch during the race, but I never did figure out how to text to Twitter in France, and that really was the only realistic way I had to communicate.

Anyway, it turned into an epic which I shall detail in the next day or two.  It started perfectly with the first day going to plan.  What was not in the plan was getting no sleep the first night and catching cold at the same time.  So that put the sub-60 out of reach, but sub-70 was still possible after I thought I had recovered on the morning of day 3.  That was not the case, it caught back up to me that evening.  Stayed an extra unplanned night at the last control point before riding in this morning in 78 hours and change.

I'm a little upset at not riding the fastest I could, but I'm very excited to have finished despite the obstacles.  Finding ways to overcome the problems along the way is what randonneuring is all about, and I did that in spades.  Hope to have some time to begin recounting the details tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Michael - what an AMAZING accomplishment!!! The Riemer groups have been tracking you and we are anxious to see you in Vegas to congratulate you in person. Félicitations mon ami.
    Kristine Riemer
