Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shawn Gregory's Blog: 12 Hours of Mesa Verde 2012 1st place overall solo...

Shawn Gregory's Blog: 12 Hours of Mesa Verde 2012 1st place overall solo...: This year at the 12 Hours of Mesa Verde in Cortez Colorado I was able to get the overall solo win on my singlespeed.  This is my hometown ...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Upcoming Road Rides: May 12, 14

First, many thanks to Vince MacMillan for blogging at the Tour of the Gila.  Go to http://ciclistasdelrio.blogspot.com/, scroll down to the entry on May 3 and read up from there.  It’s entertaining reading, it was not an uneventful race to say the least, and great riding by Vince, animating the race and doing Montezuma County proud.

Saturday Ride

This Saturday’s ride will be modified due to the 12 Hours of Mesa Verde race.  For those who are not participating in the race, and can’t get a mountain bike ride in because Phil’s World is overrun, come on out for a road ride instead!  Meet at FLANDERS PARK in Dolores, opposite the Dolores River Brewery.  We’ll depart at 9AM, probably heading up the valley to the West Fork.

Monday Ride

Monday’s ride will probably end up as a recovery ride for the MV racers, but we’ll see who shows, and we can split into groups according to what everyone wants to do.  6:15PM at FLANDERS PARK, in Dolores.

It’s getting close to the Iron Horse, get your miles in now!